How Much Do Home Stagers Make?

Jun 09, 2023


As the profession of home staging gains prominence, a pertinent question arises among aspiring home stagers: What is the earning potential in this field? This blog aims to illuminate the financial landscape of home staging, exploring income ranges, influencing factors, and the potential for career growth.

What is Home Staging?

Defining Home Staging

Home staging is more than just decorating; it's a strategic marketing tool used to highlight a property's best features while minimizing its weaknesses. This process often involves rearranging, refining, and sometimes adding or removing furniture and decor to make a space more appealing to potential buyers.

The Role of a Home Stager

A home stager's primary role is to create a welcoming and attractive environment that resonates with a broad audience of potential buyers. By doing so, they enhance the property's appeal, potentially increasing its market value and reducing the time it spends on the market.

Impact on Real Estate Sales

Home staging has a significant impact on the real estate market. Staged homes often sell faster and for higher prices compared to non-staged ones. This effectiveness makes the role of home stagers increasingly important in the real estate industry.

Earning Potential of Home Stagers

In the world of home staging, income can vary widely based on several factors. Understanding these can help aspiring stagers set realistic expectations for their potential earnings.

Income Statistics

To provide a clearer picture of what home stagers can expect to earn, here's a table showcasing average income ranges based on experience levels:

Experience Level   Average Annual Income
Beginner $50,000 - $60,000
Intermediate $60,000 - $85,000
Expert $85,000 and above

Note: These figures are averages and can vary based on location, demand, and individual skill level.

Factors Influencing Earning Potential

Several factors influence how much a home stager can make. These include:

  1. Location: In high-demand real estate markets, stagers often command higher fees.
  2. Experience and Skill Level: As with many professions, more experience can lead to higher income.
  3. Demand: The popularity of home staging in a particular area can affect how much work is available.
  4. Reputation: Established stagers with a strong portfolio often have higher earning potential.

Factors Affecting Home Stagers’ Income

Understanding the dynamics that influence a home stager's earnings is crucial for anyone considering this career. These factors not only affect the initial income but also the long-term earning potential.


Real Estate Market Demand

The location of your staging business plays a pivotal role in income potential. Areas with a booming real estate market often have a higher demand for staging services, which can lead to more job opportunities and higher rates.

Experience and Skill Level

Climbing the Professional Ladder

  1. Starting Out: Beginners might start with lower rates as they build their portfolio.
  2. Gaining Experience: With more projects, a stager can increase their rates as their skills and reputation grow.
  3. Expertise: Seasoned professionals often have a steady client base and can command premium prices for their expertise.

Demand for Home Staging

Market Trends and Popularity

In regions where home staging is a well-known and sought-after service, stagers may find more opportunities and higher income potential. Conversely, in areas where staging is less common, stagers might need to invest more in marketing and education to build their clientele.

Reputation and Portfolio

Building a Brand

A strong portfolio and positive client testimonials can significantly boost a home stager's reputation, leading to more referrals and higher-paying projects. Networking and maintaining a robust online presence are also key to building a recognizable brand.

Career Growth and Opportunities in Home Staging

A career in home staging is not static; it offers numerous paths for growth and development. Understanding these can help aspiring stagers plan their career trajectory effectively.

Career Path for Home Stagers

From Novice to Expert

  1. Starting Out: Beginners often start with smaller projects, gradually building their portfolio.
  2. Establishing Reputation: As experience is gained, stagers can begin to specialize, targeting specific types of properties or clients.
  3. Expansion: Seasoned stagers might expand their services, offering consultations, full home makeovers, or even branching into related fields like interior design.

Opportunities for Growth

Broadening the Horizon

  • Certifications and Education: Pursuing additional certifications or specialized training can open up new opportunities and niches.
  • Networking: Building connections with real estate agents, contractors, and designers can lead to more referrals and larger projects.
  • Diversifying Services: Offering a range of services, from consultation to full staging, can attract a broader client base.

How to Maximize Your Earnings as a Home Stager

For those embarking on a career in home staging, understanding how to enhance earning potential is key. Here are some strategies to help maximize earnings in this field.

Improving Skills and Expertise

Continuous Learning

  • Stay Updated: Keep up with the latest trends in interior design and real estate.
  • Expand Your Skill Set: Attend workshops, seminars, and courses related to home staging and interior design.

Networking and Building Connections

The Power of Relationships

  • Real Estate Connections: Network with real estate agents who can refer your services to home sellers.
  • Collaborations: Partner with furniture stores, art galleries, and other suppliers for potential discounts and referral opportunities.

Effective Marketing and Portfolio Building

Showcasing Your Work

  • Build a Strong Portfolio: Document your work with high-quality photos and detailed descriptions.
  • Online Presence: Maintain an active online presence through a professional website and social media platforms, showcasing your portfolio and client testimonials.

Utilizing Social Media and Online Platforms

Digital Footprint

  • Social Media Engagement: Regularly post your projects and insights on platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn to attract potential clients.
  • Online Reviews and Testimonials: Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews online, enhancing your reputation and trustworthiness.


Home staging is a dynamic and rewarding career with ample opportunities for growth and financial success. By understanding the industry, continuously improving skills, and effectively marketing your services, you can significantly enhance your earning potential. Whether you are just starting out or looking to expand your existing home staging business, the possibilities are vast and promising.

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